The Fat Crawler Experience
Journal (July 2002)
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My Journal for July 2002

July 23, 2002
Well folks, it's been almost a month, so I guess it's that time again.  My family is in the process of getting the Internet hooked up at home, so this might become a possibility more often.  So, let's see.  I've done everything there is to do in way of the surgery preparation.  I've done all of the testing.  There has only been one tiny, but not so tiny, snag in the process.  One requirement for the surgery is I have to lose 15 pounds.  Usually this would be no huge feat.  I would just have to diet for about three weeks, but since I started trying to lose just a little (nothing major), I've gained 14 pounds.  Not only is this depressing, but I'm now at my highest weight ever, tipping the scales at 376 about a week ago, and I've probably gained a little since then.  God, does this insanity never stop?!?!?!?!  Well, I guess I just have to start being strict.  It's the only way I'll ever do it.  Cara wrote me (yeah, I found her, woo hoo!!!!! picture coming soon), and she told me that if I just want to lose weight for a little while, I could do the SlimFast diet and that would do it if I stick to the program.  I think I might give it a whirl, as I only have to lose, now a grand total, of 29 pounds.  At the last required meeting, I asked if I could just lose 15 from my current weight, and the woman that does the weigh-ins almost cried when she told me that I couldn't, but I had to lose from my original weight.  It probably didn't help that I was almost crying myself.  The weirdest thing is that after we lose the weight, it doesn't matter if we gain it back or not before the surgery.  They say that they prefer it if you don't, but it won't stop anyone from getting the surgery if they don't.  Okay, enough surgery talk for one entry.  On to bigger and better things.  Cara is coming to visit me in October.  I can't wait!  I miss her soooooooo much!  She also invited me to live with her after I graduate, but I think she was just kidding.  If only she knew just how seriously I would consider it.  Ah well.  I also got a letter from Natalie.  She has recorded her sixth song and just did the photo shoot for her album, yesterday.  She really seems to be moving ahead with her career, and I'm happy for her.  Another friend, Becca (picture also soon to come), is getting married in about a week.  I couldn't believe it when she told me.  Her Mexican fiancee is coming to live in the states, and, well, they're really going to get married.  I was just so shocked.  Any guy that snagged her is a damn lucky man.  He's a really nice guy, though, as far as I know.  I've only talked to him a couple of times.  He's a twin, and very shy.  Oh well, them's the breaks!  (Did that even make any sense?)  I also got a super boring job as a telemarketer, and I'm just counting the days until school starts back up.  I was actually surprised to find out it's only a month away, though.  I guess that means that my surgery will be here before I know it.  Well, I guess that about all that's going on in the fabulous world of Danny (and mind you, it is very fabulous!).  Take care all!

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