Finally my own place!

Cara still keeps yelling at me that my clothes are too big. She may be right, ha ha.

First day in my own apartment. I moved to the condo six weeks later.

I should have her babies!

This is like my new most favorite pic ever... well, for today at least!

What's with the big doe eyes in this picture? Spookaaaaay!

My brother, Curt, is an idiot!

Why yes, I am a gay cowboy... but only on club nights!

I haven't seen this pic in a while. This ensemble definitely needs to come out of retirement!

I have the best man-boobs in the biz! (...totally beat Chunk from Goonies!)

Of course, red isn't bad either...

These are the first pics since my tummy tuck. Woooo...

Worst. Headshots. Ever.

Now presenting... ta daa da da boom boom... my spring wardrobe for 2005!

That's it! Those giant, sagging man-boobs have just got to go!

If you worked for Mexx, wouldn't you want to hire me as a model? I could head up the "Fat Guy in a Wheelchair" department!

I'm sure you didn't notice that my eyes were closed in this picture, right? (He he ahoo...)

Finally a smiling picture that I like!

My friend, Shanna, runs the pizza place in my town. Lucky girl!

Working on the computer...how exciting!

It's been years since I could fit into a jean jacket!

This sweater looked so much better on the rack...

Maybe this randomly passing bassethound will hide my body!

Thank the lawd for Kike, or I wouldn't have had a place to stay for a week in Mexico. My hero!

Okay, why do I look so cross-eyed in pictures? I am not cross-eyed! I swear! At least I don't think I

Here's my friend, Ninfa, who must be Katherine Zeta-Jones' twin sister... She swears the rumors are not true.

"Frijolero con nombre gringolero!" ...inside joke.

I had so much fun with Sanne. She knows she wants me!

Oh baby, so sexy!

Another feeble attempt at disproving the scepticism surrounding my mental stability...

Noa... should really be modelling. And she has the coolest tatoos I've ever seen!

An afternoon with my old chorus class. It was like a reunion!

I just love it when friends, like Lalo here, make weird faces right before the flash goes off. That's sarcasm in
case you can't tell!

Here I am with Joe (left, making that hilarious face), Paula (from Spain, met that night), some guy from the suite, and
Kike (my old suite mate from before).

I've actually been told this picture looks nothing like me. I like it anyway!

Don't worry. We only got a little smashed...

Okay, I was completely sober for this pic with Anita... at least I think I was.

But I was plastered out of my mind for this one. Ah, c'est la vie!

Is it just me, or are my clothes getting just a little too tight?

These two pics were just a joke to see how thin I could make my face look with the right angle and right amount of cheek

I really like this picture. I'll probably recant later, but for now this is probably my favorite body shot.

Cool, calm, and collected?

Rosy cheeks, no warts...

J. Lo, Beyonce, Ja Rule, Shakira, Outkast?

Danny: Corrupting the minds of innocent people everywhere since 1981.

Who let in the walrus?

My brand new sweater. I can be preppie now!

I am getting sleepy. Very sleepy...

Does he ever stop singing? Not bloody likely!

I don't even have to suck in my cheeks anymore!

Chasin' dragons with a plastic sword...

I swear I'm not going wanksta... my clothes are just too big!

It's tough learning to walk again, but I'm making progress every day.

A quiet evening at home. Now there's something rare.

Look at that round face! I need to get my fat ass to the gym!

A few words come to mind... bumpy, dumpy, lumpy, grumpy, and frumpy.

I'm always this happy. What are you talking about?!?!?

This is my first post-op pic while standing. I can actually stand up straight for more than five seconds!

All wet after sweating to the oldies and dancing my pants off!

Me and Mel just hanging out. Aren't we just so adorable?

Going south for the winter? So are my arms, thighs, and torso!

Only four more pounds until I'm in the Century Club. I'm sick of waiting. I want it now!

I like every picture I take just a little bit more.

Yo, yo, diggy yo, beyo---okay, I'm not really a rapper...

Did somebody say exercise?

Who would have thought losing 84 pounds would feel so good?

I swear the dog did it!

Am I shrinking or are my clothes getting bigger?

Aren't we just the cutest little things? *smirk*

It's the curse of The Double Chin! Is there no escape?!?!?

What the hell am I grimacing about?

Ahh, there's the money shot!

I was quite swollen in the hospital due to fluids, but you can see a little better just how big I had gotten toward the
end after going on a "Last Supper Syndrome" binge.

I'm ready for my close-up! About three weeks out here.
Things that make ya go "huh".

My brother Thomas' (in red) wedding day. I was best man! Our neighbor growing up, Chris, is on the right.

Can't decide if I love or hate this picture.

Look what having a broken car does to a guy in a wheelchair!

The queer ring was a bit much. It's gone now. (God, I'm such a tard sometimes!)

I just pretended to be retarded so Deveney wouldn't feel so alone.

Those colors lasted about six days. Idiot is as idiot does.

Yeah, that's me standing there... with my new leg brace!

My little sister, Camisha... she's just so cute, oogy boogy... ok, she would punch me if she read that.

That tall guy's crack is showing! NOOooooo...

God, I'm such a retard.

"I pledge allegiance to the camera..."

Wait! When did I start using a wheelchair?!?

I was actually considering growing my hair out again until I saw these pictures. *Yech*.

Can you say "Fat Zombie in a Wheelchair"? Oh yes, right on the money.

This is definitely the best body pic I've taken in a very long time.

I love new clothes so much! I'm sure it's a healthy obsession, though.

Pink is the new orange! Or green, or blue, or something like that.

Almost looks like a J.Lo video, huh? Mmm, not so much!

Another former Home Page pic. Again, I feel so much thinner than this old pic so I had to change it again!

Speaking of pizza... oh, I would never eat that evil stuff! Mwahahaha...

Who knew work could be artsy fartsy?

Amber is thinking about having gastric bypass. Isn't she beautiful? She should be modelling or something,
but she's so shy!

I said, "Let's make funny faces!" She refused. I did it anyway.

Don't I look cool in a James Dean sort of way?...mmm, not so much.

That's better. Hide those sagging man boobs!

Me? Obsessed with mirrors? Never!

Having drinks with Cara in the zocalo. What could be better than that?

Tanya is great, and her parents have a house not five miles from mine. Can't wait for her to visit me!

Michal and Adi were my roomies in Oaxaca.

Even though I've known her for years, I have no idea what this girl's name is. But don't I look great?

Getting scared yet?

These guys are cool... enough. Just kidding! In the other pic, the guy on the right was giving me bunny ears.
'Nuf said.

Veronika and I had the best time going to the museum together. She's from Austria and I miss her so much!

I hung out a lot with Judith (pronounced Hoo-Deet). Let's just say she's a great drinkin' buddy...

There's nothing like posing in front of random scenery!

This is the audition picture Cara and I are going to use to join the NYC ballet company. Oh wait, it's just
a weird angle of us sitting in a bar. My mistake...

I love getting drunk with my British friends! They were the only ones who ever got any of my jokes!

However, I was drunk out of my gourd for this pic!

And this one... hee hee.

The first picture of myself since I came back from Mexico. You may notice the slightest change in my demeanor...

Don't I look innocent in this white shirt? FOOLS! Mwahahahaha......

I didn't, however, expect them to come out looking quite so thin... or creepy!

Somebody get me out of this insane asylum...

Who am I kidding? I'm so sunburned I could pose for Red Lobster!

Gnarly. Radical. Tubular. Bodacious. I do not say these words enough during my day.

Does it really matter?

Here I am with Tameika. She's spoiled rotten to the core, but I still love her!

I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it.

These are the tightest pants I've ever worn... and I love it!!!

It's my new spring wardrobe!

Hey, if it ain't Doc from Back to the Future!

Finally standing with a leg brace. It may be painful, but a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do.

Check out Danny, everybody wants more...

Doo - doo - do, do, doo - doo...

So for now, at least, I still sit...


I can stand up straight and there's no belly hanging out the bottom of my t-shirt!

I can even strike a pose... er, sort of.

Moody? I'm not in a bad mood! Why is everybody always against me? WAAAAAAAH!!!!!!

My life has improved in so many ways. Now all I need is a hot chick! Ha!

Man, those leg lifts are hard!

Ninety-nine pounds gone. How bizarre...

Opera singer or person with severe mental disabilities? Probably a little of both...

Do I make you horny, baby? Do I?

Just living the life fantastic!

Even I'm beginning to see a difference!

A size 3X sweatshirt and a pair of men's jeans. Who says the little things in life don't matter?

I will now tell the future. I see myself eating something fattening and feeling like crap for an hour...

Me, Mel, and Mel (Melissa and Melanie) singing Alanis Morrissette songs. We're so vindictive!

I'm too sexy for this shirt. (Uhhh, whatever you say, man.)

"Danny, go into the light!"

Oh the humanity!

Oh yeah, I just found out that I've lost 70 pounds! (But why do I look like the Crocodile Hunter?)

My name is Danny. I like romantic songs and long walks on the beach...

So calm. So pensive. So secretly planning the inner demise of all HUMANKIND AS WE KNOW IT! MWAHAHAHahahahaha.....
(Oops, did I just write that out loud?)

Didn't you just want to see a picture of me half-dead?

Had enough yet? No? Well, keep scrollin'!

I can't really see much of a difference, but the scales say I've lost around fifty pounds.