It's like I'm retaking my Senior class pictures...

What follows is the Wall of Shame, drunken Peruvian style.

Look at those brand spankin' new Farrah Fawcett legs!

Let's see, behind me is Irina and Frijo, and to the right are Carla and Rodrigo in their passionate embrace of lovingly
lovely loveliness. It's enough to make ya sick.

Almost the whole group, including never-before-seen Carla U. (to the upper left) and Marisol (bottom right).

Driving and taking pictures at the same time. That's not dangerous!

I had nothing better to do, so I took a crap load of pictures!

Hercules I am not.

I'm so innocent when I'm sleeping.

Good thing I have that wide angle lense!

I pull out this little classic at fast food drive-thru windows.

It's celebrity impersonation time! This is Shrek. "That'll do, Donkey!"

Cameron Diaz in Charlie's Angels. (Think of the dirty dance scene...)

Who said I have anger management problems? Was it you? Huh, was it? I will cut you! You think
I won't? Consider yourself cut!

Mischievous or angel?

Another former Homepage pic. It was too artistic (depressed) for me to leave it there anymore...

How very Alabama-esque of me. (No offense to people from Alabama!)

This is me with Edwar (or Frijo, as I call him). Pinche peruano frijolero, ha ha! Okay, you probably have
to speak Spanish to get the joke, and even then you probably wouldn't...

Maritsa (a.k.a. Winona La Pizza) is positively smitten with me and charming ways... riiiiiight!

This is Rodrigo, whom I call Cusco because he looks like the main character (in human form, ha ha) from The Emperor's
New Groove, who is also incidentally Peruvian.

The guy behind me is Fermin, who I'm teaching English on the side. You may or may not have noticed my declining
intoxication level, but let's just pretend I'm completely sober in all of these, mmkay?

I'm smiling, so the whole world's smilin' at me, right?

So damn smarmy you just want to punch 'im!

I saw a guy do this and thought it would make a cool picture. I don't think he had bat wings, though...

It's when I wake up that there's a problem.

Try to ignore the giant zit on my forehead, got that?

I use this little diddy to stare at family members.

Derek Zoolander in Zoolander - "Ewww..." - After Matilda tells him she used to be the fat kid in class.

Jack Nicholson in The Shining. "All work and no play make Danny a dull boy."

The Rock in Be Cool. "You ain't woman enough to take my man."

Who's a silly little goose? Who's single for a reason? A ha ha ha ha *ahem*

How about mischievous angel?