December 2, 2002
Well, I came back to school yesterday from Thanksgiving break. It went well, and I actually had a great time hanging
out with my friends and family. All major disasters were averted. Yesterday, my parents, I, and four siblings
came to here to spend the day Christmas shopping. Let's just say I'm almost Christmased out. I was going to wrap
presents last night, but my heart just wasn't in it after such a long day, so I left it for tonight and possibly tomorrow
night. Well, I have a class to attend, so I will bid all adieu here. Toodles!
December 17, 2002
Who's a bad little boy? That's right, it's me. I haven't written in a very long time, and I'm sorry
about that. The weeks just tend to fly by when you get to this season. Well, I've spent way too much money for
my own good, and I'm going to have to juggle my finances in January and February, but hey, that's alright. My cousin
might also come and stay with me when I get back until she can find a new apartment. She's very responsible and we get
along great, so I don't anticipate any serious problems with it. I leave for Christmas break tonight, which means I
won't be writing here for at least four weeks or so. Sorry about that, but I have no choice. I still have to finish
writing a paper and take an exam before I leave, but then I'm out of here. I had my first psychiatric evaluation meeting
this morning. The guy doing them is Dave, and he's really nice. He wants to meet with me for several weeks
in intervals, then will send the evaluation to the doctors some time in February. He also told me that I need to look
into getting a therapist for after surgery, so I'll have to do that. Tomorrow morning I have my long-awaited follow-up
to get a CPAP machine. I really don't want one, but I have to do what I have to do. It's only for two weeks, so
it won't kill me. Well, here's wishing everybody the best this holiday season, and I'll write when I get back after
break. Merry Christmas!